A lot would depend on how much brand recognition is important in a person professional and personal brand
To promote themselves as well as to make money through their writing
I would say that in a world where people done really have families due to urbanisation a living in a financially rich and prosperous
Makes the family institutions redundant
If you live in a country which is politically unstable and were there is lawlessness than knowing your fifth cousin who is a police officer
Becomes incredibly important if you live in a peaceful and prosperous society then it doesn't matter
Names just become names when people don't value them
We call surnames in the Western world surnames and not family names because we don't see it as a family name
What's a family name should be is the legacy of previous generations but that is thinking that is heavily influenced by the Confucius Nations
I can understand the hunger of successful people wanting to build a name for themselves and have a family name
Which can be past on to future generations and that you leave a legacy but the truth is most are forgotten in one generation