For me it's mostly the case of having a title that gets people reading which is what the writer Louise Perry does
But for me a lot of my newer stuff is a lot better than the older stuff
And pretty much what applies to a man also applies to a woman
Also those kinds of topics tend to be emotionally charged for individuals a lot of those issues are subjective
Anyway that kind of stuff has never been my main focus it's mostly being on international relations and geopolitics
But I am just one person and I got a full time job so I can only really do some much reading and listening to podcasts
Please feel free to read my stuff or don't at your own leisure and time
I tend to write five to seven articles per week and I don't expect everybody to read every single thing I write
I do agree with you some of those hatred articles or clickbait articles go on about hating men, hating women, and heating white people
Or hating Western civilization or demonizing other civilizations get boring, predictable and I would say sometimes a cross between sad and disgusting