For the USA it's a continental size country and its a continental economy so it does make a lot of sense
From the American point of view but even then they are better off in some regards
But their are the winners and losers of globalisation in American old mining and steel communities
The state of Montana is a perfect example of this
I do wonder I don't know how much you know but do you think the USA was traumatised by the American War of independence
The battles that were taking place were incredibly small compared to Wars on the continent
Historically it seems to me the USA have never had it so good compared to most of an Nations and they've got the best Nations
As neighbours I do find national grand narratives and a nation psychology incredibly interesting.
It makes me draw comparisons with Isaac asimovs Foundation series it's a fictional series of books chatting the decline of a Galactic Empire
I believe that the idears in the books an very much relate to the decline of fall of civilizations
And why society's choose to fail
But if anybody reading this once something more concrete I recommend the book collapse by Jerrad diamond.