Having good manners and showing respect should be people's default settings it is model culture that is killing that mentality
And we all are responsible to contribute to that phenomenon in our own small way
I have friends and relatives who go to each of us houses and immediately go on their phones showing massive disrespect
For romantic relationships you gotta make things clear that you are not friends and that you never will be
If you both are not talking and not having sex then that an issue that desperately needs to be fixed
Maybe try have dates twice a week and having fun activities such as crazy golf, gold karting, bowling or over
Also going for runs or going to the gym could help restore sexual interest
Furthermore if your partner is more interested in watching love Island or some other kind of soap opera
That tells you where you are in terms of priority if an individual can put everything in to get in a university degree, getting a college degree
Working hard in their job or some over kind of endeavor and that kind of energy and dedication needs to be placed into
Having a Successful relationship if you can not do that then you are waisting the other person time
If you just don't want to be lonely or want companionship then you may be best getting your self a dog called Fred or Mary