Homosexuality did happen in the real navy and it happened enough that it became well now
The act itself was ignored and when it came to trail it was thrown out of court
Also when abortions where illegal in the UK the doctors who performed the surgery where never sent to jail
The only ones who were were there was whom charged too much money to perform the surgery
I know we have a zero some game in the political discourse and I have to agree at least half what Douglas Murray say is
When you import the world's people you take on the world's problems you also take on the world's benefits
Different cultures have different political norms and different hypocrisies
China political culture for better our worse was set a long time ago and could not I think handle hypocrisy
Like the Japanese emperor and the shogunet which worked successfully as a political system
That the case with James ii of England son is just making things up for the national interest
The Stuart Dynasty was too literal in its view of power and imported the views of absoluteism and French political thinking
Which had no place in England