I am dyslexic and didn't learn to read and write until I was a teenager
If somebody is spelling badly there's normally a good reason for it
For me I come from a poor working class background from Northern England neither of my parents can read and write
So for them they presumed going to university would be a mechanism for me to escape poverty
It didn't work out like that because educational attainment is no longer linked to a university degree
40 years ago I could have gotten a degree from university and have a starting salary of 35,000 pounds
And have that increasing depending on the profession to 55,000 pounds or more within two to five years
For my parents generation they are boomers and generation X for them they entered the labour market in the 70s and 80s
That's when blue collar work was saturated with workers wish brought down the price of that work
Now it's the reverse with there being too many people's with degrees which decreases the value of going to university
And yes I do understand life is not fair