I am pro globalization myself I just believe due to most people growing up after the second world War and with the deaths
Of the greatest generation and the lost generation and the silent generation that we are and have lost generational memory
Before 1945
It why I'm the culture keep coming only talk about and divide history into Hitler and not Hitler
Because the average voter is not to highly educated or choosing not to be informed
I would agree with you in regards to the Pax britannicus but no why near what is was during the pax americanos
As for the future I have read in regards to my own country the UK it would take 20 years if not most likely more
For it to rebuild its Fleet that also if the USA keeps on coupling with its Allies made after 1945
The US since 1992 has voted in president after president that is more isolationist or not interested
In the reast if the world which was the normal foreign policy of the United States historically
George Washington when he left the office of president he warned US about getting involved in foreign conflicts
And having positive feelings about the British which could get the USA involved in foreign conflicts
I do wonder what the world would look like but I would be most likely in my late 40s or early 50s by that time
History can eather move really really fast or very slow