I have had a read
I think that because I am a bloke I my be missing the point
For my understanding of women's purses they tend to contain phones, spare underwear, tampons, small makeup kit, mirror
Painkillers and a host of other related stuff
Including wallet and charger
A lot of that is related to women having periods and that woman's clothing don't include large pockets
If you go out and about you often see women having to carry their phones in their hands because they don't have pockets
Just because a woman is attractive does it mean she should have here things stolen
A lot of those things don't get to experience because they are not women
I like to watch the occasional travel video is and living in Japan if you are a woman you don't want an apartment at the bottom level
The because there is enough Japanese men stealing female underwear and it's best not to wear a skirt due to upskirting
And men taking photos of woman's knickers
As a bloke I probably would have never known that unless I was watching or listening to a woman talk about the issue
We often don't know what we don't know and it takes somebody else to explain it
Also sometimes people need to have skin in the game