I think a lot of this also has to do with the fact the USA is also a continental Nation which their have not been enough studying of those entities
That are only three continental Nations they are the United States of America, India and China with the latitude having political dysfunction
And I think the USA has that to a lesser extend but that could be a feature of those special kinds of Nations that are categories all on their own
If Europe was the United States of Europe then that would have mass internal issues just like China
But the USA in contrast greatly benefited from industrialization and the developments of modern technology
Which created a more United political entity and avoided many of the contrastrophes of other nations
The USA was a homegrown nation during industrialization which makes it unique to civilizations like China that are over 4,000 years old and many other places on the Eurasian continent
The development of the USA and its creation is a category all on its own making it unique but possibly dysfunctional
If it takes after India and China