It is theorised that Russia is the way it is due to the psychological trauma of the mongol Conquest
And similar things exist in the United States of America being traumatised due to race relations and the impact of slavery
Which is very unique to the American experience and cannot be applied to the rest of the world
Also the American War of independence 1775 to 1783 was also highly traumatic it's why as a culture when it comes the Britain they had bad Daddy issues
Their is also the right to bear arms which also comes from that experience as well as a massive mistrust of a central government
It's what makes America America for better or worse
China still has trauma from its own mongol Conquest in the 13th century and why China regressed in the 15th century
Their is also the impact of its founding in 222 BC with Chinese legalism and the bureaucratic state as well as the political culture
Which still exists after over 2,000 years even during communist China