People respond to incentives there's no incentives to make the hard choices
A lot of hard choices would most likely see an elected government fall from power because we've told a generation to ignore reality
I've worked doing work for a company on helping integration of immigrants which take at least four generations especially in pange generational households which could even be longer
I've also done the same kind of work for the NHS for another firm they know the problems they just won't fix them
Which is true for a lot of issues they know what the problems are they just won't fix them because they're politically unpopular
This may be a bit sidetracked but I remember for the coronation and the queen's death the actors from the TV show bridgeton
Complaining that there's too many white people in the royal family
The comedian bill burr was complaining that in the 1980s and 70s that there was too many white people in England
I think if you stated that about the Chinese, Indian, Japanese or other
That kind of language wouldn't stand and it's a disgrace no one called them out
There was a story recently about a member of the BBC complaining that they are working with White people
It seems like the world has gone mad I am tempted to write an article on the subject I'm just concerned it might be seen as racist
Even though it's anti-racist article and the growing racism towards white people
I suppose I could do it on broader racism
Because people may not understand why I would focus on one problem at a time
I remember writing an article on sexuality between men and women and got complaints from asexual
Which to tell the truth not all content is meant for everybody if it's a article about sexuality than most likely it wouldn't be for people who don't have one
Same goals for article on traditional Christmas dinner it won't be for vegetarians
Broader society has got to understand not everything is for everybody food and sparts are easy examples to explain
For people's different preferences which is normal and good and it's everybody's right
I may have got a side track there
And I wish you a happy new year