Politicians no longer call citizens citizens were they have a duty to the state and other responsibilities
They now call citizens stakeholders and consumers that's not a good thing reducing society to pure consumption
If a woman stays home to raise children that's a public good but it's a public good that's not a recognized within society
Having children and the personal sacrifices that entails are not valued and because they're not valued it means that being a mother or a father
Doesn't convey status
People take action due to incentives of their societies
The Greek Kingdoms and Roman civilization collapsed due to them not having children and raised in families
Rome's first emperor or first citizen Augustus tried to reverse the problem of Roman men not having children
On another topic the decline in the quality of education can be linked to women entering the job market
Previously the only way a woman could gain status in the profession is teaching and nursing so the most capable women went into those professions
Now that they have been liberated it has contributed to the decline in teaching quality
If you go to a university and have a lecturer on investing chances are they're not good investors themselves same goes for people's who teach business and marketing
In contrast if you have a history professor or a professor who studies Russian literature chances are they are incredibly
Highly skilled in the profession
It's all how people respond to incentives and what kind of person they are
Steve Wozniak the co-founder of Apple left the company because he wasn't cut out to operate in the corporate world
Hence him focusing on engineering and teaching