Same to you as well and you are very welcome
The issue is the current economic model which is used to run society
But they are no are at least currently no economic alternatives all the others go back to feudal times
Or 18th century when the vast majority of people in Europe lived agricultural lifestyles by subsistence farming
And nobody wants to go back to that though I do admit it would be a more fulfilling life for many
It's sad to say as things get worse governments will try barbaric methods that won't work
China is bringing in anti lgbtq policies because they think it will improve the birth rate
But that is just whipping a dead horse and reaching the wrong correlations when it comes to society and birthright
Societies that are declaned to promote personal freedoms but those personal freedoms are not the issue
What went wrong in those societies were over issues it had nothing to do with women, lgbtq are over such individuals
The problems was with those societies themselves such as the Roman empire being the classic example which had low birth rates
I wish you a great evening 👍