That too true a lot has to do with the boomers and gen x who where blue collar workers not wanting their children to go down the same path
They wanted them to be blue coller workers but their are not enough of those jobs around for people to do
For me I would have been better of training to become an electrician than going to university and getting a degree in politics and international relations
If globalisation breaks down Nations will need to bring industrial capacity within the home nation
It will mean blue collar jobs which people don't want to do
I believe around 50% of boomers have retired and then could live for another 20 to 30 years and if they are in
Good mental and physical conditions and especially if they have good careers why would they leave
If you are a manual labour or blue color worker it's a very different story and I think it's daft having the retirement age moving closer and closer to the 70s
For those workers when their bodies will be worn out