The average reading age in the USA is between 12 and 13 years old
The readership of the garden newspaper is 14 years old
I'm the UK the average reading age is nine years old
For the USA it has a natural political nature isolationism that was the norm of the United States until world War 2
The USA for over 30 years has voted into office presidents that are increasingly isolationists and more interested in the US
They are not fighting or working on what the future of the US should be in the aftermath of the cold War in the 1990s
The American public voted out George h Bush in 1992 who had an idea of thousand points of light
Unbuilding a new international order however the American public were not interested in the rest of the world
Over the past 30 years nationalist candidates and American first candidates have won all the elections
Joe biden and Donald trump's foreign policy were very similar