The last time I had a bad episode was over 5 years ago for me I go to the gym or go on a bike ride every day
Also I avoid certain foods kind of make me sound a bit like Michaela Peterson the daughter of Jordan Peterson
Writing helps as well but I think a lot has to do with the modern world we are not suffering enough
It's something to do with human nature that people sat lived through two world wars had better mental health then people whom have only knows peace
As for Winston church he wasn't a manic depressive when he was sad he was sad when he was happy he was happy
The only time he contemplated suicide was after the disaster of Gallipoli
As for the military stuff I think it makes sense it buts the body and mind through assimilated hardship
In a controlled and safe environment
I am contemplating joined up myself I have been flip-flopping because it's a long term commitment
For me I would like to focus on writing but I do wonder if joining up would be better for my physical and mental health