There is definitely the rural citizen divide and that people in China are not allowed to be unemployed because they have their own farms
The problem is people who moved to the cities don't want to be farmers
Here a link from the Chinese whisperers podcast discussing this issue
The North and South divide is still going strong and their is the added complication of what can be classed as Han Chinese
Throughout Chinese history there have been migrations of Turkish and Mongolian people's conquering and migrating to China
If you look at the DNA of the Chinese there's a strong ethnic mix which can make it hard to define what Han China is
Their is also long history of China being divided between North and South with the three kingdoms period being the most infamous
Their also the Eastern Jin Dynasty which ruled the South and barbarian Kingdoms ruled the North
Then their is Southern Song dynasty
Just think what would happen happened if the confederacy won the civil War and the USA was divided into two
Then reunited 50 years later their would still be animosity
And I do believe that the civil war is still an issue for Southern Americans
I do think in the USA is not a North and South divide but a divide between people who live in the cities and people who live in rural areas
What's your take on the issue?