When it comes to education the goal of the educators is not to educate is to learn the curriculum
If people want to learn more they have got to do it in their own time not at school
School the goals should be to teach you marithmetic, the ability to read and write, the science, modern computers and diversion of history that is supportive of the nation
That it and they are failing doing that and helping people's with hidden disabilities
From my High school experience I left High school not being able to read and write
Because they were focusing on other things and at the end of the day it's just a job to them
The best form of education is self-education you can become anything or you can become talented at something
Through doing your own research for instance I am learning to paint using acrylics but that requires
Practice and reading about painting the same can be applied to learning about American history and the American slaves
If that is something the individual wants to do is not something somebody should be made to do
You may want to spend your time away from work reading about feminism, medieval history, painting or a host of other hobbies and activities
I think your heart is in the right place but people don't have to know what they don't want to know and what they don't need to know
It will be a good idea if everybody learns about the decline and fall of the Roman empire and its impact on Western civilization
But most people don't know that because they're not interested
In 500 years time people may not be interested in US
It has been over 100 years since world War 1 and that history is quickly being forgotten the same shall happen to the second world War
I'll start generation fates from memory and then from memory they become history