Why Hippies Are Now Republicans

Jonathan Stephen Harry Riley
2 min readJun 25, 2024

The United States’ political history is long due to its having the world’s oldest codified constitution, a constitution or bill of rights governing how its nation will be ruled.

The United States has existed regarding its constitution since the ratification of the American Constitution in 1789 to the present day.

A significant feature of American politics is that American political parties have always had two main political parties, and the factions within those parties often change sides.

In America’s history, political factions from these two major parties have changed sides seven times.


The most recent transformation occurred in America from the 1930s to the 1960s, a period of profound change.

Democrats, once a Southern political party associated with Jim Crow and slavery, underwent a metamorphosis, emerging as a party of liberalism that successfully courted the African-American vote.

For the Republican Party, who were the party of Lincoln and who ended American slavery in the 1860s, they have had the reverse happen to them.

Currently, within American politics since the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, the United States of America has experienced a new flip and the changing of factions and ideologies within the two main American…



Jonathan Stephen Harry Riley

I have been writing from 2014 to the present day; my writing is focused on history, politics, culture, geopolitics and other related topics.