Why Women Hate Sex

In this article, I will make the argument that women don’t necessarily hate sex.

Still, the social technologies and the impact of modern culture, which places pressure on women to be porn stars in the bedroom, also have the characteristics of a socially conservative housewife and are incredibly contradictory.

That’s in terms of the culture and the mixed signals women are bombarded with every single day, which makes attitudes to sex, what femininity is and what womanhood is incredibly complicated for women, hence the increased number of women identifying as non-binary.

According to reporting conducted by Time Magazine, a sharp increase in transgender identification from 2020 to 2021 suggests the change is accelerating.

The Household Pulse Survey confirms this: Among young adults born in the 2000s, identifying as transgender jumped 48% between late 2021 and late 2022, and identifying as nonbinary leapt 60% — in one year.

Plenty of women see femininity being projected in the entertainment industry and the reality TV stars such as the Kardashians and shows like Love Island as versions of femininity which they don’t feel are representative of them.

And because they don’t feel represented, they start to disassociate with the word woman, which is said to have negative attitudes towards their sexuality.

Healthy Woman



Jonathan Stephen Harry Riley

I have been writing from 2014 to the present day; my writing is focused on history, politics, culture, geopolitics and other related topics.